Many of you who have bought Micromax MMX 310G or 300G might be thinking of how to run it on ubuntu or linux. Well there are many sites informing about this but this one is a bit different. it's the simplest way. i don't know much about 300g. it might work well even with other methods posted on other sites. but particularly for 310g, this is the only way it worked on my computer. no wvdial, no gnomeppp, no kppp, no sophisticated methods. just few simple steps:
1) download sakis 3g from
2) paste it in your home folder
3) you may follow instructions written on that site or just right click the file, go to properties, go to permissions, tick mark the "allow file to be run as executable" and close properties.
4)double click the file. click on more options, click on create desktop shortcut. exit
5) access the shortcut on your desktop and select "connect to 3g"
6)it should automatically detect the modem and you should be able to connect further. when asked for password and user name, enter anything but enter the correct APN when asked for.
if you find a better method then please post it.
Some of the new micromax mmx 310 g models have the lsusb output as 1c9e:9800. If you are not able to switch that modem then please update to the latest version of usb-modeswitch.
For more information head over to this link:
One of the readers of this blog (prasad johndhale) has reported successfully switching his new modem.
1) download sakis 3g from
2) paste it in your home folder
3) you may follow instructions written on that site or just right click the file, go to properties, go to permissions, tick mark the "allow file to be run as executable" and close properties.
4)double click the file. click on more options, click on create desktop shortcut. exit
5) access the shortcut on your desktop and select "connect to 3g"
6)it should automatically detect the modem and you should be able to connect further. when asked for password and user name, enter anything but enter the correct APN when asked for.
if you find a better method then please post it.
Some of the new micromax mmx 310 g models have the lsusb output as 1c9e:9800. If you are not able to switch that modem then please update to the latest version of usb-modeswitch.
For more information head over to this link:
One of the readers of this blog (prasad johndhale) has reported successfully switching his new modem.
tnx yaar you give me start and i m end with it......trick not working as you ask ..........i take help from right side there is a youtube video) modem is now connected i m try it for more then 3 months.............tnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gr8.... Rahul here.... My modem worked after a lot retries.....
PLATFORM: UBUNTU 9.04(jaunty)
HARDWARE: Micromax 310G 3G modem
I am trying saiks3g with my airtel card on micromax bsnl 3g 310G. I am get unable to connect. I am able to use this device and simcard in windows XP. In other options I try , Only switch modem and that is OK it shows switch modem to 1c9e:f000. But prepare modem gives , failed to prepared modem . I NEED HELP PLEASE...Contact
i did the above mentioned above.. but I am using 2G simcard airtel. after the option connect to 3G i select USB modem. then a message comes "unable to connect".
please help
Sorry for replying so late. But you posted in my blog "" that you are unable to connect. Please make sure that you delete the modem-manager package and disable networking of your nm applet and then restart and try again.
Very nice and impressive article you have posted. Its very helpful, i have read and bookmark this site and will recommend it to more other peoples.
hi i still having problem with my mode plz help me... error is "different script style". m using ubuntu 10:10.
thanks ...
very helpful program.
Go to for installation of micromax 352g with bsnl 2g/3g datacard on ubuntu 11.04
but to connect every tym v need to do d same settin oris der any other shirtcut for dis???plz help...
@Pabitra: read the sakis 3g manual for that. there are methods to automate things like entering of username by using APN_USER='a' etc.
NB: make sure you remove the usb-modeswitch and modem-manager package by using synaptic package manager.
Also i found that if you use a usb-hub for connecting your modem then you can plug it anytime and sakis 3g doesn't even have to switch it. it's faster. you may try it out.
guys! if someone figures out why usb-hub helps, please share it!!!
Thanx for your support.It worked nicely.
I opened your site first after connecting via 310g usb modem.
thanks a lot.
hi utkatsh, im using Micromax MMX310G 3G USB Modem.Actually im facing completely new using sakis3g as u told to connect.i have 2 os in my system win7 and ubuntu..if i directly load ubuntu sakis3g give result failed to connect...but if i load windows first connect there and then without disconnecting there restart system n then run sakis3g it connects successfully.pls help im facing this from last 15 email
Hi ,
my mmx352G device was working fine from past 2 days. but now it is showing as error which goes like this..
"Locating device error: libhal_acquire_global_interface_lock: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.InterfaceAlreadyLocked: The interface org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Storage is already exclusively locked either by someone else or it's already locked by yourself"
what is d reason for this and please provide m the
well , my modem was working fine. but its started showing error mentioned above, which get solved on its own. now its not connecting again. It stuck at "switching modem" and then shows "can not connect".
please help me...
i m using ubuntu 9.04
usb_modeswitch is installed.
Here's what you have to do : plug in your modem before switching on the computer
Uninstall usb-modeswitch from your computer.
—— Ubuntu geek Utkarsh
Thanks a lot Utkarsh..
It works now... :)
Thanks again..
one more query :
in windows it is possible to know the remaining net data balance by sending sms (*123*3# , in airtel) using the micromax managing software.
Is there any way of doing same in ubuntu.
No! Currently there is no such tool available for Linux afaik.
Hi.... i got this as output "1c9e:9800" while installing the modem. can you tell me what i have to do? visit this link to switch your modem and then use sakis 3g to connect to the internet.
i used my MMX310G with live version of ubuntu 10 following ur instructions and it worked fine, but when i tried it after installing ubuntu 10, it shows "switch modem to 1c9e:f000" then on clicking on connect, it says "failed to prepared modem" can u tell what can be the possible error?? thanks
I can't say this will work surely, but u can give it a try. When next time u restart ur pc , insert the modem in usb port first and then start. It works for me..
Ubuntu 10 is way too old. Install 12.10 and remove the package named modemmanager then reboot and try again. Also as ascetic said plugging in before booting works in some cases.
Micromax has launched 144f ferrari opus micromax usb modem ferrari branded, with plug and play functionality that connects to the network instantly without any tedious process like driver installation or manual configuration.
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